Prof. Dr.Kemal YÜKSEK
Prof. Dr.Kemal YÜKSEK
Chairman of the Board

Prof. Kemal Yüksek was born in Çaykara, Trabzon in 1969. He completed his bachelor's degree in Mathematical Engineering in 1990 and his Master of Engineering degree in Computer Engineering in 1993 at Istanbul Technical University (ITU).  He focused on Applied Mathematics during his Ph.D. studies and earned his Ph.D. degree in the same field in 1998 from Yıldız Technical University (YTÜ).

Prof. Yüksek started his academic career as a “Research Assistant” at Yıldız Technical University in 1993. In 2000, he started to work as an “Assistant Professor” in Computer Engineering Department at Istanbul Kültür University. In addition to his academic career, he occupied as the deputy head of the Computer Engineering department. He received the title of “Associate Professor” in 2012 and the title of “Professor” from Hasan Kalyoncu University in 2016.  He gave lectures, attended conferences on software, database design, mathematical modeling, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, training management, and civil aviation management.  Besides all, he has numerous articles published in scientific journals.  

In 2012, Prof. Yüksek started his professional career at Turkish Airlines as a “Project Manager”. Between 2013-2018, he occupied as “Vice President of Training” at Turkish Aviation Academy. 

He took part in the development and implementation of projects such as Turkish Airlines' New Passenger Service System (ticketing and reservation), Training Management System, Online Assessment System, and Learning and Training Portal. Apart from this, he accomplished the software development of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Street Lightening System and Medical Services System projects. Prof. Yüksek has managed the Virtual Reality and Simulation Learning Applications compatible with Scorm X-API Standards, by 3-D Interactive e-Learning Platform with the support of the TÜBİTAK R&D Project. He successfully represented Turkey in the civil aviation area by participating as a speaker in conferences organized by international civil aviation organizations. Prof. Yüksek started serving as the “Deputy Director General of Turkish DGCA” in May 2019 and has been nominated as ‘Acting Director General” in January 2021. Prof. Yüksek is the co-founder and member of the Career and Talent Management Organization. He has mastered various programming languages (C, C ++, Visual Basic, C #,, JAVA, PHP) and database management systems (Data Modeling (EER Modeling), SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL). Currently serving as the Chairman of the Board of Türksat, Prof. Yüksek is married and has three daughters.

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Dr. Yalçın EYİGÜN
Dr. Yalçın EYİGÜN
Board Member

He was appointed as the Minister Consultant at the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure on May 8, 2019, and as General Manager of Infrastructure Investments on September 19, 2019. Dr. Eyigün is a member of the Türksat Board of Directors.

Dr. Eyigün worked as the deputy manager, manager, and the control engineer responsible for rail system project and construction works during his tenure at the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Rail System Directorate between 1997 and 2012.

Between 2012 and 2015, he worked as the Deputy General Manager of General Directorate of Infrastructure Investments at the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication. During his tenure at AYGM, he worked in various positions such as Urban Rail System and Outline Railway Projects Survey and Construction Works Sector Supervisor, Eurasia Road Crossing Project Supervisor, Marmaray Construction Activities.

He graduated from Istanbul Technical University Civil Engineering Department in 1995. He received his master's and Ph.D. degrees from the same department. Between 2015 and 2018, he was a lecturer at Yalova University Transport Engineering Department. He was appointed as an Assistant Professor to the Civil Engineering Department of Istanbul Commerce University in the 2018 - 2019 academic year.

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Dr. Yunus Emre AYÖZEN
Dr. Yunus Emre AYÖZEN
Board Member

Dr. Ayözen has been a member of the Türksat Board of Directors since July 2020. He continues to serve as the Head of Strategy Development in the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, which he was appointed by the Presidential Decree published in the Resmi Gazete dated 06 July 2020.

Dr. Ayözen worked on several projects (e.g. the Istanbul Transportation Master Plan, Istanbul Logistics Master Plan and Istanbul Logistics Management System, Istanbul Heliport Master Plan, Traffic Safety Master Plan) during his career. He is still a member of the State Airports Authority (DHMI) Board of Directors.

Between 2008 and 2015, he worked as a control engineer, chief and assistant manager respectively in the Highway Projects, Rail System Projects and Transportation Master Plan units in the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IBB) Transportation Planning Directorate. He was appointed to the Directorate of Traffic in April 2015. He served as Head of Transportation Department, which he was appointed on 23 May 2016, until 25 July 2019. Between 2015 and 2019, he served as a board member and vice president of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Kiptaş A.Ş.. Between 19 September 2019 - 06 July 2020, he served as the Deputy Director General of General Directorate of State Airports Authority (DHMI).

He is a graduate of Sakarya University Civil Engineering Department. He earned a master's degree in Istanbul Technical University Transportation Engineering and a doctorate in Civil Engineering from Istanbul Aydın University.

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İbrahim KOLCU
İbrahim KOLCU
Board Member

Kolcu has been the Head of Information Technologies Department at the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure since September 2018.

Between July 2018 and August 2018, he worked as the Head of Information Technologies Department at the Ministry of Family and Social Policies. Between December 2016 and June 2018, he served as the Head of Technical Operations Department responsible for planning, coordinating, and directing activities concerning IT infrastructure, data centers, and user network at the Information Technologies and Communication Authority. Between November 2014 and November 2016, he worked as the System Manager of İncek Data Center of the Information and Communication Technologies Authority. Between January 2005 and September 2014, he worked as an independent consultant on many projects.

Between September 1991 and September 1992, he worked as a software developer at Ülker- Datateknik. He was a lecturer at Gaziosmanpaşa University between September 1992 - September 1993. Kolcu worked as a research assistant at Harran University, Cranfield University, and Manchester University from September 1993 to December 2004. He has published numerous research articles and presented academic papers at international conferences. During his academic research at the University of Manchester (February 1998 - November 1999), he worked as a senior developer in several projects.

He is a graduate of Istanbul Technical University, Control and Computer Engineering Department in 1991. He received his master's degree from Cranfield University Computer Engineering Department in 1996.

He is a member of the Türksat Board of Directors since June 2019.

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Hasan Hüseyin ERTOK
Hasan Hüseyin ERTOK
Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi

2000 yılında Hacettepe Üniversitesi Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümünü bitirdi. 2003 yılında Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde New Jersey Institute of Technology Bilgisayar Bilimleri Bölümünde yüksek lisansını tamamladı. Hâlihazırda Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesinde Bilgisayar Mühendisliği alanında doktorasına devam etmektedir.

Çalışma hayatına 2004’te ABD’nin New Jersey eyaletinde bir perakende satış şirketinin veri tabanı uzmanı olarak başladı. 2006’ya kadar ABD’de telekomünikasyon alanında yazılım mühendisi ve yönetici olarak çalıştı.

2006 yılında uzman olarak Türksat A.Ş. bünyesine katıldı ve 2006-2007 yıllarında Fransa’da Türksat 3A Uydu Projesi Teknoloji Transfer Programı kapsamında veri işleme ve uydu üzeri yazılım sorumlusu olarak yer aldı. 2014-2017 yılları arasında ise Araştırma Geliştirme ve Uydu Tasarım Direktörü olarak çalıştı.

9 Şubat 2017 tarihinde Türksat Uydu İşletmeleri Genel Müdür Yardımcısı, 21 Ocak 2021 tarihinde ise Türksat A.Ş. Genel Müdürü olarak atandı.

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Dr. Şuayıp Birinci
Dr. Şuayıp Birinci
Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi

Dr. Şuayıp BİRİNCİ, 1973 yılında Rize’de doğdu. İlk ve orta öğrenimini Rize ve Trabzon’da, üniversite eğitimini, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’nde tamamladı. Tıp doktoru olduktan sonra; “Liderlik ve Küresel Girişimcilik” te yüksek lisans, “Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi” alanında yüksek lisans ve doktora yaptı.

1998 yılında meslek hayatına başlayan Dr.Birinci memleketi Rize ve İstanbul’da çeşitli kamu kurumlarında hekimlik yaptı. Ümraniye EA Hastanesi’nde başhekim yardımcılığı (2005-2009), İstanbul İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü’nde müdür yardımcılığı (2009-2012) ve TKHK İstanbul Anadolu Kuzey Bölgesi’nde genel sekreterlik (2012-2014) görevlerinde bulundu.

Sağlık Bakanlığı Merkez Teşkilatı’nda, müsteşar yardımcılığı (2014-2018) ve Ağustos 2018’de Sağlık Bakanlığı Bakan Yardımcılığı görevine atanmış ve halen görevini sürdürmektedir. Bakanlıkta çalıştığı süreçte, strateji ve hedefleri belirleme, planlama, regülasyon ve koordinasyon görevlerini sürdürdü.

Teknofest’in icra kurulu üyesi olan Dr. Birinci, sağlık teknolojileri ve sağlıkta yapay zekâ yarışmalarının gerçekleştirilmesinde öncülük etmiştir. Türkiye’nin sağlık politikaları ve yönetimi konusunda ilk think-tank kuruluşu olan TÜSAP’ın kurucusu ve yürütme kurulu üyesidir. TÜRKSAT yönetim kurulu üyesi olan Dr. Birinci, İzmir Biyotıp ve Genom Merkezi yönetim kurulu başkanlığını da yürütmektedir. HIMMS tarafından 2021 yılında dünyada sağlığın geleceğini şekillendiren en etkili 50 liderden birisi seçilmiştir. (seçilen on kamu görevlisinden birisidir.)

Türkiye’nin “Sağlıkta Dijital Dönüşüm” sürecini yöneten Dr.Birinci, “bilgiyle yönetme kültürünün” sağlığın bütün alanlarında benimsenmesine katkı sunan ve dijital sağlık yolculuğunda bölgesel ve küresel bazda örnek alınan çok sayıda bilişim projesini (e-Nabız, Teleradyoloji, SBA, MİZ, HSYS, ESİM, REÇETEM, Beyaz Kod, ASOS, SİNA, EKİP, E-Rapor Sistemi, HYP, MELİS, Korona Önlem, FİTAS, RUHSAD, ÖZDES, Sağlık Pano, Hayat Eve Sığar, Dr. e-Nabız, AŞILA, NeyimVar?, EVS, Afet Destek vb.) bizzat kurgulamış ve başarıyla hizmete alınmasına liderlik etmiştir.

Sağlık yönetimi, sağlıkta dijitalleşme, sağlık ekonomisi, sağlıkta mili teknoloji hamlesi, sağlıklı yaşam, sağlığın geliştirilmesi ve koruyucu sağlık hizmetleri, tedavi hizmetleri, uzaktan sağlık ve sağlığın geleceği konularında çok sayıda akademik çalışması olan Dr. Birinci’nin ulusal ve uluslararası alanda yayınlanmış kitap, makale ve bilimsel çalışmaları bulunmaktadır.

Dr. Birinci, evli ve üç çocuk babasıdır.

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